Monday, December 6, 2010

WikiLeaks lists Canadian sites vital to U.S.

In 2009, a cable was sent to U.S. embassies and consulates around the world.  It insructed U.S. diplomats to update an existing list of foreign sites that could seriously harm the U.S. if they were targeted by terrorists.
On the 2008 list, Canadian sites included such things as the Darlington and Pickering nuclear power plant, a number of international rail crossings and bridges, oil and gas pipelines, the James Bay hydroelectric project in Quebec, the Hibernia Atlantic undersea cable landing in Halifax, several dams, a number of mines, and several factories producing everything from missile parts to plasma to vaccines.  In the note, it stated that the order to update the list was to strengthen "national preparedness, timely response, and rapid recovery in the event of an attack, natural disaster or other emergency."  Former British foreign secretary, Malcolm Rifkind, said, "This is further evidence that [WikiLeaks has] been generally irresponsible, bordering on criminal," and that, "This is the kind of information terrorists are interested in knowing,"

                                               My Opinion on WikiLeaks
I think that WikiLeaks is illegal publication of sensitive information.  If somebody commits a crime, then they should be punished.  I also agree with freedom of speech, but there is such a thing as too much freedom, especially if it's about private, governmental documents that are vital to the country's security.  If somebody hacked my computer, I could press charges or take the guy to court or whatever, so how is it different if this WikiLeaks guy hacks into computer documents that are FAR more important than mine.

Friday, December 3, 2010

3 Advertisements


This advertisement is telling you that if you play monopoly at McDonalds, you are practically guaranteed to win, because it says “be you only richer.”  The word “only” is in yellow instead of red like the rest of the words, emphasising it, telling people that they will still be themselves, but they will be richer, as though it’s a guarantee.  It is not trying to sell a burger and fries, as McDonalds ads usually are, instead it is trying to sell monopoly, but if someone does play the game then they have to keep going back to get all the pieces to finish the game.  People can only get the pieces if they buy something at McDonalds.


This advertisement by Avon is showing a woman smiling, happy and holding her prettily wrapped up gift from Avon.  The message behind this ad is to try and get women to put a gift from Avon on their wish list and to get kids and loved ones to buy a gift from Avon for the women in their lives, because if they do, it will make their woman happy, smiling, beautiful and stylish and she will never look at you again with anything but love and joy.


This advertisement shows a cheetah, one of the fastest animals on earth, running.  The scene behind him is all blurred to show the speed at which he is running.  On the top of the ad, is say, “What’s the secret of speed?” and on the bottom it says, “Ask the master.”  The advertisement is saying that if you buy Nike shows, then you will be as strong, fast and powerful as the cheetah in this picture.  And the words are trying to get across that they basically asked the cheetah himself what his secret of speed is

Monday, November 29, 2010

 See full size image      See full size image                                                           See full size image

These logos are very popular ones.  This is probably because they are short and to the point.  There aren't any words or long sentences that people have to try and remember, there are just simple pictures of the logo, some have the name of the company that produced this logo on it.

Friday, October 29, 2010

Trades camp out in city
Who: tradespeople
What: living in tents
Where: Gordie Howe Campground
Why: to build their own homes
Kidney transplant program to resume
Who: Saskatchewan patients
What: waiting for kidney transplants
Where: from Saskatchewan to Alberta
Why: for surgery
When: on Friday
China potash play worries Wall
Who: Premier Brad Wall
What: acknowledged difficult balancing act for Saskatchewan party
Where: Regina
Why: concern grows over Chinese involvement in a potential bid for Potash Corp.
When: Friday

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Bowling for Columbine Essay
The American news broadcasters promote a culture of fear.  The news has always played a huge part in influencing people.  The accessibility of guns is also a large factor of people's fear, especially in such a gun-happy country as the U.S.  Racism and the fear of things that are different can also contribute to the fear of people.  In short, most of it all comes down to the media and how much they play something up, especially if it is a horror story.
The evening news can be a very powerful and dangerous weapon, because the rare stories with happy endings are usually blotted out by the horror stories of guns, murder, war, homicides, and other killings.  In Canada, it is as easy to get a registered gun as it is in the U.S., but the Canadian evening news usually talks about happier stories than the U.S. evening news.  This could be one of the reasons why Canada only has around 130 some homicides per year when the United States has an estimated 11,000.  Maybe if the media didn’t make such a big deal out of the bad things that go on, such as the massacre at Columbine High School, people wouldn’t do half the things that they do, but they do it because they know that the evening news will give them five minutes of fame.  After all, the guys who were accountable for all the lost and broken lives at Columbine had an entire 2 hour documentary done on them and what they did and are still talked about today, 11 years later.
The accessibility of guns is too easy for a culture with such a violent nature and reputation.  For example, in the video Michael Moore walked into a gun store and was able to buy a gun and bullets without any trouble.  And how did the guys that did the shooting at Columbine get their guns and bullets?  They got them at the local K-Mart.  In the video they asked a teenage boy to hide a bunch of weapons then asked him to put them on a table so people could see how many he had on him without anybody even noticing they were there.  The U.S. has always had a love of guns and this is shown in all their cowboy and cops and robbers movies.   
                Throughout history, racism has always played a major role in people and their fear and often in violence.  It’s probably because the media usually has a tendency to be racist, like in the TV series “Cops” they quite often chase down black people.  In the documentary, Michael Moore showed a cartoon called South Park; it was about how hundreds of years ago people in England were being persecuted, so they left.  When they found America they were afraid of the Indians because they were different, then they were afraid of the British, then it was the African Americans because they wanted their freedom, and slowly by slowly it’s gotten worse over the decades until people have chains on all the doors, keep guns under the bed, and bolt their gates shut.  For the most part, it is the black people that get blamed for almost everything, like when one man killed his pregnant fiancĂ©e  and blamed a black man.  In the end, who will win?  The black man or the man that is considered influential and a good citizen? Most likely the black man.  The white guy probably blamed the black man because he was racist.
                 The American new broadcasters have caused this nation of fear by always showing bad things and blowing them out of proportion.  With the H1N1 flu a few people died, but more people die each year of the ordinary flu.  Except the media played up H1N1 so much it caused everyone to live in fear for weeks, afraid that they would contract this “deadly disease.”  In conclusion, if the news didn’t make such a big deal out of everything, people would live in a lot less fear.

Thursday, September 30, 2010

bowling for columbine

In the video, Bowling for Columbine, Michael Moore is trying to get across the point that guns are dangerous and how they should no longer be so accessible and that Americans have become more and more scared over time.  An example, is in the video he shows how right from the beginning when the pilgrims left England to modern day in the suburbs with all the locked doors, chained gates, and guns in the house.  He talks about how the boys that were the cause of the shooting at Columbine shot themselves after the massecre, probably because they were afraid of what would happen to them.  Lots of people are against the easy access of guns because there are so many homocides, but they seem to forget about all the people who have guns and don't go around shooting people, just because they are scared.

Moore supports his argument by showing showing an animation and actual footage from the shooting at Columbine.  In the animation, it shows how the Americans left England because they were afraid of persecution, then how they killed the natives because they were afraid of them, then there was the American Revolution and the civil war, both of which were caused of fear, the video then goes on to show how in modern times Americans have started locking their doors, barring their gates, and keeping guns around the house, all out of fear.  In the Bowling for Columbine video, he shows ac      

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Disney and McDonalds
Disney would make a movie or TV show and then McDonalds would sell toys from that show. This helped promote both McDonalds and Disney, because a child would either watch a Disney movie and want the toy from McDonalds or buy the McDonalds toy and want the Disney movie.

Sprite, MTV and Viacom
Sprite paid teens $50 a pop to dance while there was Sprite logos everywhere

Monday, August 30, 2010

Forms Characteristics Key Roles Examples

TV Video combined with sound Entertainment


Commercial TV shows

World events, weather, sports

A&W mama burger

Radio Sound waves transmitted over long distance Advertising


Gulf car was

Rock, classical, folk…all genres

Magazine Usually vibrant with lots of colour, text and pictures Information and adveritsement Celebrity gossip, world news


Newspaper Text with some pictures usually added Delivers news and advertisements Obituaries news stories


Internet Usually colourful images with text Information, pictures, and entertainment offered world wide Youtube, yahoo,


Billboard Large picture and text on large board Advertisements Subway steak and bacon melt

(Clothing) Logos Advertisements Billa Bong


Mass media-the means of communication that reach large numbers of people in a short time, such as television, newspapers, magazines, and radio.