Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Did the devastating oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico really dissipate or did it sink? There has been a deep-sea graveyard discovered about 11 kilometers from where the oil spill took place.  This graveyard was made of coral.  Debris get trapped in mucus that coral releases when it gets stressed and the coral that scientists are inspecting are a brown colour, indicating that they have been getting clogged up and rotting for months.  This is very good evidence to indicate that the oil never really broke down or dissipated, but sank instead.  Scientists are going to inspect 25 other sites whose marine life may have been affect, they say that even if the oil didn't kill the coral and it seems healthy, it could have affected their genetic mutation or they will not be able to reproduce.  If they are not reproducing, they will not be able to bring that part of the ocean back to life.

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