Monday, January 10, 2011

Article: Good-bye Grey Skies, Hello Extra Warming

Clouds play a very large part in temperature all around the world.  Low-level clouds reflect sunlight and cool the earth, but higher level clouds trap heat inside.  So clouds could push temperatures up or down depending on how they change.  A relatively new climate model has been created and is used to simulate cloud cover, this machine is called the International Pacific Research Center Regional Atmospheric Model (iRAM).  This device helps scientist to determine what the weather will be like in a few years to come.  Researchers used this model, which mainly covers the easern Pacific and parts of South America in greater detail than the global model, to determine what the forcast will be in a years to come.  What they found was not that pretty.  According to this model, the temperature in years to come will be going up and "we will find ourselves at the higher end of [temperature] predictions," says Ralf Bennartz who helped in this research.

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